When marrying in Japan, submit a registration of marriage to your city hall, or other public office in your town, village, or other location. Also be sure to inform your country's embassy, consulate, or other authority. Necessary procedures differ by country.

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marriage of a foreign national to a Japanese national

When a foreign national marries a Japanese national in Japan, normally the marriage procedures for both countries must be completed. In cases where the procedures for only one country are completed, there are cases where the other country does not recognize the marriage, leading to various problems.

There is the method of first completing marriage procedures in the Japanese system and then notifying the foreign country, as well as the method of completing marriage procedures in the system of the foreign country and then notifying Japan. Depending on the country there are also cases where the latter procedures become very simple.

marriage between two foreign nationals

In the case of marriage between two foreign nationals in Japan, necessary procedures vary greatly depending on country, so be sure to confirm what is necessary with relevant embassies and consulates in Japan.

Furthermore, since there is no problem with also completing marriage procedures in Japan, confirm with your local public office for necessary paperwork when completing marriage procedures in your municipality. Of course, you must also inform your home countries.