We have collected consultation examples from many foreign nationals living within Akita Prefecture into this Q&A collection.
At times such as when you have some trouble, or people such as your family or friends consult you about something, feel free to make use of this Q&A collection.
運転免許(うんてんめんきょ)Driver's license
永住許可(えいじゅうきょか)Permanent residency permission
- Teach me about paperwork for international marriage.
- My Japanese husband says he is submitting a divorce notification to the government office, but I don't want a divorce. What should I do?
健康保険(けんこうほけん)Health insurance
健康保険証(けんこうほけんしょう)Health insurance card
公印確認(こういんかくにん)Official government seal verification
子育て(こそだて)Raising children
在留カード(ざいりゅうかーど)Residence Card
在留資格(ざいりゅうしかく)Status of Residence
- What is status of residence?
- What should I do when I want to change my status of residence or extend my period of stay?
- My Japanese husband has passed away. Is it possible for me to continue living in Japan?
- What type of paperwork is necessary in order to continue living in Japan forever?
- I want to invite my (biological) child from my home country to come live in Japan with me. What should I do?
- I lost my passport. Who should I notify?
- I am looking for a job in Akita. How should I go about my job search?
- A payment collection letter (a letter asking me to quickly pay my insurance fees) for my National Health Insurance has arrived. What would happen if I left this alone and didn't pay?
- I want to invite my (biological) child from my home country to come live in Japan with me. What should I do?
- My family and friends want to come to Japan for sightseeing. What kind of paperwork is needed?
資格外活動許可(しかくがいかつどうきょか)Permission to engage in activities other than those permitted under the status of residence
事故(じこ)Traffic accidents
- I have a 2 year old child. I am not working, so during the day the child and I are mostly passing the time inside the house with just the two of us. My stress is building up, and my physical condition isn't well.
- I want to start working. Is there a place that can look after my small child while I am working?
- I am looking for a job in Akita. How should I go about my job search?
- I have learned that my hourly wages are lower than Akita Prefecture's minimum wage. Is it because I'm a foreign national?
出入国在留管理庁(しゅつにゅうこくざいりゅうかんりちょう)Immigration Services Agency of Japan
- What should I do when I want to change my status of residence or extend my period of stay?
- My Japanese husband has passed away. Is it possible for me to continue living in Japan?
- What type of paperwork is necessary in order to continue living in Japan forever?
- I want to invite my (biological) child from my home country to come live in Japan with me. What should I do?
- I lost my passport. Who should I notify?
- I am looking for a job in Akita. How should I go about my job search?
- I want to learn more about living in Japan, but reading Japanese is hard. Is it possible to learn about life in Japan in my home country's language?
証印転記(しょういんてんき)Transfer of Endorsement
- My family and friends want to come to Japan for sightseeing. What kind of paperwork is needed?
- Can I renew my passport in Japan?
- I lost my passport. Who should I notify?
- Teach me about paperwork for international marriage.
- What kind of paperwork is needed for a divorce?
- My Japanese husband says he is submitting a divorce notification to the government office, but I don't want a divorce. What should I do?
- I submitted some paperwork I received at my city hall to my country's embassy (consulate). I was told that for this paperwork I need an Authentication of Official Seals from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.
- Can I drive a car in Japan using a driver's license from my home country?
- I am looking for a job in Akita. How should I go about my job search?
- I am looking for someone who will translate or interpret for me. Where can I be introduced to such people?
認定こども園(にんていこどもえん)Certified early childhood center
ハローワークHello Work
- I want to go to the hospital, but I can't speak Japanese.
- Tell me about Japan's public health insurance program.
保育所(ほいくしょ)Day care center
- I want to go to the hospital, but I can't speak Japanese.
- I am looking for someone who will translate or interpret for me. Where can I be introduced to such people?
マイナンバー My Number
- My Japanese husband has passed away. Is it possible for me to continue living in Japan?
- What kind of paperwork is needed for a divorce?
- My Japanese husband says he is submitting a divorce notification to the government office, but I don't want a divorce. What should I do?
- I'm going to divorce my Japanese husband, but I still want to raise my children. What will happen to my children when I get a divorce?