I. Promote the multicultural society

1. support for foreign residents

  • Consultation
  • Operate the Consultation Centre for Foreigners
  • Provide assistance for foreigners when disaster occurs
  • Support for Japanese language education 

2. enhance the international understanding and develop supporter program

  • Manage AIA community supporter Bank
  • AIA visit and internship program
  • Recruit Akita host family

II Vitalize the community groups

1. Develop the support the community groups

  • Promote the network of International Community Group in Akita
  • Provide AIA international activities subsidy
  • Provide subsidy for oversea association

III Provide information and opportunities for international exchange

1. Provide international information

  • Update and share information on Homepage and Facebook
  • Use of intercultural exchange space
  • Operate the intercultural exchange activity
  • Hold the Akita International Festival 2020 event

2. Exchange program with related countries

  • Tianjin Youth Exchange Program
  • International Trainee Program (Gansu, CH; South America; Russia)