

Philippine Fiesta



Fiesta, meaning “festival”, is a very popular part of culture in the Philippines.  People love fiesta and there are numerous fiestas held every month somewhere throughout the Philippines. Come and experience the festive and vibrant atmosphere with Ms. Charina Hosaka who is from the Philippines and lives in Akita and BAHAY KUBO members!


- Play Filipino hand games

- Bamboo dance lesson

- Try traditional Filipino foods

When: Saturday, June 20, 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Where: Multicultural Exchange Space, Akita International Association, Atrion 1st floor

Fee: 200 yen

How to apply: Please let us know your name, telephone number and number of participants by TEL/FAX/e-mail. 30 participant limit.


Akita International Association

TEL 018-893-5499  FAX 018-825-2566

E-mail: ichikawa@aiahome.or.jp