Pour Bébé(プール・べべ)からのお知らせです

“Prenatal & Postpartum Class in Easy Japanese and Foreign Languages” will be held on March 18, Saturday.

How does childbirth begin?
What should I do when I have contractions or my water breaks?

The instructor, a midwife, will answer your questions and concerns about childbirth.
Mothers and fathers expecting their second child are also welcome to join!

If you would like interpretation services, please apply soon.
We look forward to your participation!

Please see the attached flyer and the Facebook / Instagram for more details.
URL for application: https://forms.gle/zettFki7Z4tYAiZb9

Facebook: @pour.bebe.akita
Instagram: pour.bebe.akita




日本語(にほんご)(むずか)しいかたは通訳(つうやく)があります。 チラシとFacebook / Instagramを()てください。

(もう)()みはこちらから↓ https://forms.gle/zettFki7Z4tYAiZb9

Facebook: @pour.bebe.akita
Instagram: pour.bebe.akita