Upon on your request, such as translate the Japanese article to other language, or introduce foreign culture in Japanese and etc, AIA can arrange our community supporter for you (paid volunteer).

Eligibility of requester

Administrative organizations, educational institutions, public organizations, NGO, NPO and organizations verified by AIA within Akita preferture.

Content that can be requested

If terminology or specific knowledge are required for the translation/interpretation in meeting or business neogoiation, professional translation company is recommended.

Request Procedures

  1. Complete the request form「AIAコミュニティサポーター活動依頼書」, then submit to AIA at least 1 month in advance. Please contact us by phone if it is urgent.
  2. AIA will confirm the activity's details and conditions, then arrange the supporter for the activity.
  3. When the supporter is decided, we will pass the supporter's contact information to requester.
  4. Please explain and double confirm the activity details and conditions (remuneration and transportation fee and etc.) with the supporter again. To avoid any trouble, please give the supporter a written note in advance with all the conditions list up clearly.
  5. After the activity is finish, please complete the questionnaire「実施後アンケート」and send to AIA.


Request form「AIAコミュニティサポーター活動依頼書」(AIA Community Supporter Request Form) [PDF][WORD]
Questionnaire 「実施後アンケート」(After Event Survey) [PDF][WORD]

Suggested fees which are beared by requester

All expenses (remuneration and transportation fee and etc.) should be beared by requester and pay directly to supporter. The amount of the expenses should be decided and agreed by both parties. AIA will not involved in any decision or neogotiation on the amount.

Suggestion of amount of remuneration

Interpretation Starting at 2000yen~/hour



compilation are

not included)

Pamphlets, flyers and etc: starting at 3000yen~/page (A4, around 400 words)
Document for submission, application and etc: starting at 2500yen~/document
Cultural introduction Starting at 2000yen~/hour

* The costs listed above does not include transportation fee.

Contact information for application

Please submit the application to the address bellowed.

Akita International Association

〒010-0001  1/F Atorion Bldg., 2-3-8 Nakadori, Akita City.