Akita international festival held every year with the aim of enhancing the understanding of international culture and interaction between Akita's citizens and foreign residents through exhibiting the activities by International Community Group in Akita and cultural introduction by foreign residents.

Date and Time

Sunday, October 1st, 10:00 ~ 16:00


Akita City, Akita Home Base Center Alve


1,314 people


 Akita International Festival 2023 Flyer

Field Report

This year as well, a great number of people came to the venue at Akita Home Base Center Alve.The quiz rally, which is well received every year, attracted a large number of participants. There were many people expressing how fun it was to experience all the different booths and speak with the people there.The participants running the world booths were able to express their cultures in the forms they hold close to their hearts. We were able to see them having a fun time as they enjoyed exchange through quizzes with the guests.
Furthermore, there were all kinds of performances on the stage, such as dances, musical performances, culture introductions, and more. The spectacular performances, which allowed participants to experience songs, dances, and more that they have little knowledge of from various countries, highly energized the venue, creating an atmosphere where the participants could enjoy themselves to the fullest.
The final stage performance, a traditional Indonesian dance, caused all the foreign nationals and prefectural residents to join in and dance together, making for a highly energized and wondrous finale.